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Camporee 2001
May 18-20, 2001

The Year of the Pink Flamingo's

Crew 210 was on staff for Thunderbird's Camporee.
In attendance: Rolland, Matt S., Jonathan, Cody, Brian, Bill W., & Barbara W.
Click the thumbnails for a new window and a larger view.


Group shot Brian, Cody, Rolland, Little Matt A plastic Pink Flamingo Little Matt next to the Venturing Sign
Members of Crew 989 from Sandy, OR Members of Crew 989 from Sandy, OR

The Rope Bridge

This event was supplied by Gresham Crew 544. And staffed by Crew 544, Sandy Crew 989, and Estacada Crew 210.

Boy Scout crossing the Rope Bridge Boy Scout crossing the Rope Bridge Venturer on the Rope Bridge   Rope Bridge Staff 'hard' at work
Boy Scout attempts the Rope Bridge Boy Scout crossing the Rope Bridge Boy Scout crossing the Rope Bridge
Boy Scout crossing the Rope Bridge Venturer on the Rope Bridge   Little Matt crossing the Rope Bridge Little Matt crossing the Rope Bridge
Rolland attempts the Rope Bridge Rolland crossing the Rope Bridge Rolland exiting the Rope Bridge


Here are some of the Troops gathered for the morning Flag Ceremony. Troop 210 is in the center of the pictures, with Troop 249 on the right. Our Crew flag is being shined on by the Sun's rays while the American Flag stands tall, very tall.

Troop 210 & Troop 249 at Flag Crew 210's Flag lit up by the sun's rays   American Flag standing tall Little Matt relaxing while holding the Crew flag


Here we have:
Kermit and his tent. Hungry Staffers awaiting their meal. Nick and his family.

Kermit in his tent The Crew waiting for their meal Nick and his lovely family
Troop 210 Adults Rolland and Cody Nick, Troop 210's EMT
Staff Chef taking a nap Staff Chef awaken from her nap A staffer's tent

Pancake Toss

Craig and Derek prepare Pancakes to toss through the air to their Troop Scoutmasters. The Scoutmaster is supposed to catch the pancake and eat it. If the Scoutmaster misses... Try, Try again. It's wise to catch the pancake in the first few tries before too many rocks and grass get entangled in the glob.

Derek with his Pancake batter Derek making a pancake Derek and his Pancake covered spatula
Craig at the Pancake toss with 249's Scoutmaster 249 Scoutmaster having fun
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