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Ranger Advancement
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June 5, 2003

   Community Service - Strawberry Social


The Springwater Grange is going to be having their annual Strawberry Social and needs help setting up tables and chairs. They also could use help in rolling the silverware into napkins. These need to be done June 12, 13, or if all else fails in the morning of the 14th.

Another piece of Community Service can be done by helping out at the Social which is June 14th by taking orders to the kitchen and bringing the food out to the people.

We need to start working on our Community Service hours so here is a great easy way to start. Setting up the tables and chairs shouldn't even take two hours. Rolling the napkins with silverware really depends on how many people are willing to help out. We might even get a freebie by helping out.

Crew 210, Troop 210, and Troop 249 are all invited to earn Community Service at the Springwater Grange June 12, 13, & 14th.

Crew 210 President

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