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Ranger Advancement
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Venturing Positions

Crew Size:
Age Group:
People Type:
Teens to interact and have fun.
14 (passed 8th grade) - 20
Fun, enthusiastic, inspiring, creative, go-getter
Boy Scouts of America
Flat Hierarchy (more people report to single officers)
High Adventure
Primary Positions
VP Administration
VP Programs
Secondary Positions
Web Master
Activity Chair 
Super Activity
Other Committees
Skill Teaching (Task-force) specialists
Bylaws & Rules (new ones, amending, etc)
Crew general gear (looking for free stoves..)
Primary Positions
Chartered Organization
Charter Representative
Crew Committee
Secondary Positions
Other Associate Advisors
Assoc. Adv. Administration
Assoc. Adv. Programs

Youth Primary Positions

Job Descriptions

  • Serves as youth leader of the crew.
  • Implements the crew program in cooperation with officers and members.
  • Works closely with Advisors and other adult leaders in a spirit of partnership.
  • Represents the crew at Venturing Officers' Association (VOA) meetings and council VOA program planning conference and is available to report to the chartered organization and crew committee.
  • Assists the crew Advisor in conducting the crew officers' seminar.
  • Appoints youth chairs for special projects and appoints special crew officers.
  • Presents the annual report to the chartered organization at the conclusion of the term of office.
  • Assesses on an ongoing basis whether the responsibilities of the officers are being considered and carried out effectively.
  • Approaches Venturing and encourages others to approach Venturing in a spirit of fun and enjoyment.

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Vice-President Administration

  • Serves as administrative officer of the crew.
  • Assumes the responsibilities of the crew president in his or her absence.
  • Leads the recruiting and admission of new members during the year.
  • Organizes and recognizes the achievements of crew members.
  • Conducts opening and closing ceremonies for special occasions as scheduled
  • Attends all crew activities.
  • Participates in the council VOA program planning conference.
  • Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun, and seeks to reflect this spirit in the recruiting of new members and through recognizing the achievements of crew members.

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Vice-President Program
  • Serves as the program officer of the crew and, in that position, arranges the program planning process for the crew.
  • Collects and maintains a crew activity file consisting of the program capability inventory, a list of crew member interests and suggestions for activities, program resources, and an annual activity schedule.
  • Determines the interests of the crew members on an ongoing basis (using Venturing activity interest surveys).
  • Provides support for the chair and committee for each activity.
  • Maintains an up-to-date calendar of crew meetings and activities.
  • Approaches and encourages others to approach Venturing activities in a spirit of fun and enjoyment.

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  • Serves as the communications officer and, in that position, manages all communications and publicity for the crew.
  • Maintains crew membership and attendance records.
  • Handles crew correspondence and minutes.
  • Coordinates crew publicity through local media, crew newsletters, and the crew's telephone network.
  • Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun, and seeks to reflect this spirit in the publicity and communications of the crew.

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  • Serves as the financial officer and, in that position, maintains financial records and monitors the crew budget.
  • Collects and disburses crew funds.
  • Communicates with the officers and members on a regular basis to keep them informed about the crew's finances.
  • Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun, and spreads this spirit in carrying out the treasurer's responsibilities.

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