Venturing Positions
Crew Size:
Age Group:
People Type:
Activities: |
Teens to interact and have fun.
14 (passed 8th grade) - 20
Fun, enthusiastic, inspiring, creative, go-getter
Boy Scouts of America
Flat Hierarchy (more people report to single officers)
High Adventure |
Youth: |
- Primary Positions
- President
VP Administration
VP Programs
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Secondary Positions
- Web Master
- Quartermaster
- Committees
- Fundraisers
- Shirts
- First-nighter
- Activity Chair
- Super Activity
- Other Committees
- Skill Teaching (Task-force) specialists
- Bylaws & Rules (new ones, amending, etc)
- Crew general gear (looking for free
Adults: |
- Primary Positions
- Advisor
- Chartered Organization
- Charter Representative
- Crew Committee
- Secondary Positions
- Other Associate Advisors
- Consultants
- Assoc. Adv. Administration
- Assoc. Adv. Programs
Youth Primary Positions
Job Descriptions
- President
- Serves as youth leader of the crew.
- Implements the crew program in
cooperation with officers and members.
- Works closely with Advisors and other
adult leaders in a spirit of partnership.
- Represents the crew at Venturing
Officers' Association (VOA) meetings and council VOA program
planning conference and is available to report to the
chartered organization and crew committee.
- Assists the crew Advisor in conducting
the crew officers' seminar.
- Appoints youth chairs for special
projects and appoints special crew officers.
- Presents the annual report to the
chartered organization at the conclusion of the term of
- Assesses on an ongoing basis whether the
responsibilities of the officers are being considered and
carried out effectively.
- Approaches Venturing and encourages
others to approach Venturing in a spirit of fun and
Back to Youth Positions
Vice-President Administration
- Serves as administrative officer of the
- Assumes the responsibilities of the crew
president in his or her absence.
- Leads the recruiting and admission of new
members during the year.
- Organizes and recognizes the achievements
of crew members.
- Conducts opening and closing ceremonies
for special occasions as scheduled
- Attends all crew activities.
- Participates in the council VOA program
planning conference.
- Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun,
and seeks to reflect this spirit in the recruiting of new
members and through recognizing the achievements of crew
Back to Youth Positions
- Vice-President Program
- Serves as the program officer of the crew
and, in that position, arranges the program planning process
for the crew.
- Collects and maintains a crew activity
file consisting of the program capability inventory, a list
of crew member interests and suggestions for activities,
program resources, and an annual activity schedule.
- Determines the interests of the crew
members on an ongoing basis (using Venturing activity
interest surveys).
- Provides support for the chair and
committee for each activity.
- Maintains an up-to-date calendar of crew
meetings and activities.
- Approaches and encourages others to
approach Venturing activities in a spirit of fun and
Back to Youth Positions
- Serves as the communications officer and,
in that position, manages all communications and publicity
for the crew.
- Maintains crew membership and attendance
- Handles crew correspondence and minutes.
- Coordinates crew publicity through local
media, crew newsletters, and the crew's telephone network.
- Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun,
and seeks to reflect this spirit in the publicity and
communications of the crew.
Back to Youth Positions
- Serves as the financial officer and, in
that position, maintains financial records and monitors the
crew budget.
- Collects and disburses crew funds.
- Communicates with the officers and
members on a regular basis to keep them informed about the
crew's finances.
- Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun,
and spreads this spirit in carrying out the treasurer's
to Youth Positions |