Top Ten Reasons Why a Boy Scout Troop Should
Consider Joining a Venturing Crew
- Venturing can keep older boys, ages 14-18, engaged in the troop longer.
- Venturing's new advancement program offers Scouts new challenges.
- Venturing offers older Scouts challenging activities with boys and girls their own age.
- Venturing offers additional leadership experience and training that can benefit the troop.
- Venturing advancement requires Venturers to teach what they have learned to other groups.
- Scouts ages 14 to 18 and adult leaders can be members of both a Boy Scout troop and a Venturing crew.
- Older Scouts in the troop, especially troop leaders, are expected to participate in both units.
- Venturers who are First Class and above can continue to work on Eagle Scout rank requirement.
- A Venturing crew associated with the troop give Scouts something to anticipate as they get older.
- Venturing can help solve many of the Scoutmaster's challenges:
Challenging older Scouts while continuing to attract and retain younger Scouts.
Competing with older Scout's growing interests: cars, girls, and high school.
Giving leadership/role model opportunities to all older scouts