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Ranger Advancement
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Every e-mail address is to someone at least 18 years of age.
Click to see the current members of Crew 210.
Youth (23+4 Yodults) The teens that run the show.



Just picture a goofy looking cello player. :) Anthony [2/99 - 3/01]
Anthony had an inside joke about Emilie as his quote back when he was a member.
Although I honestly do not remember what it meant :)
"She got out of the basement again."
We'll have to look through some old photos to find one of Bobby. Give us time. Bobby [12/98 - 12/99]

A 'founding member' if you will. Bobby was a member of Troop 210 when the original guys created the Venturing Crew.

Chelse (Raccoon)

Every now and again Chelse comes out of her raccoon hide-away up in Stevenson, Washington to join in the fun. So far she's been to Winter Camp '04 and stepped in for Camporee '03.

Clint (Tero)
Recruitment Officer

Clint has been given the job of recruiting for our crew.  Clint is also the proud owner of the one and only double image Webelos Woods 2004 T-shirt!

Cody - Meriwether 2003

Cody [2/99 - Present]
Vice President of Admin [2/03 - 9/03]
Historian [12/02 - Present]

Cody's now a Senior in High School and knowledgeable in history among other things. He likes to go Elk hunting, and fishing.

Craig - Senior Photo Craig [5/03 - 12/04]

Craig is an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 249 in Eagle Creek.

Damon - Leadership 1999

Damon (Doc) [12/98 - 6/02]
Vice President of Admin [12/98 - 1/00]
Vice President Programs [1/00 -12/00]

Latest News: Damon joined the United States Marines with Kermit and left 12/02 to start his training. All the best Damon!

Derek making a pancake - Camporee 2001

Derek [2/99 - 6/02] [10/04 - Present]
Presently an Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 210.
The photo is of Derek making Camporee Pancakes for the Scoutmaster many years ago (date?). This is a timed event and you have to throw the pancake with your spatula to the SM who is holding a paper plate. You keep throwing it (rocks, grass, and all) until the SM finally catches it. Then the SM is expected to eat the pancake... Yum.

Emilie - Obie Lodge Emilie [2/99 - 3/01]
Treasurer [1/00 - 8/00]

The picture was taken outside of OBIE Lodge during one of our trainings. She's obviously out of the basement.

Grace [9/02 - Present]
Vice President - Admin [9/03 - 8/04]

Grace comes from a Scouting family and is involved with the Girl Scouts as well.

Jean [11/03 - Present]
Vice President - Admin [8/04 - Present]

The VPA is in charge of recruiting new members, recognizing member achievements, and conducts the opening and closing ceremonies for special occasions such as a Court of Honor.

Summer Update: Jean is staffing at Butte Creek Camp working with the horses. She'll be back this August 2004.

John - Fall Randezvous 1999

John (Strawberry) [12/98 - 6/02]

Latest News: John is a father of a little boy named Aiden born March 3, 2003. Congratulations!

Kermit - Senior Photo

Jonathan (Kermit) [12/98 - 6/01]
President [12/98 - 1/00]
Crew Bugler [12/98 - 6/01]
His talents aren't restricted to playing 'Reveille' however - he also plays trumpet, was in the high school choir, and enjoys acting. Jonathan has the nickname Kermit because he used to wear a lot of green. The name was given to him by an ex-scoutmaster of Troop 210, Don Anders.
Latest news: Kermit joined the United States Marines with Damon and left Dec 2002 to start his training.

Katie needs a Pic!


High School elite, Katie is the Junior Class President.

Kayla - Flag Plant 2003 Kayla [9/02 - 12/03]
Secretary [4/03 - 12/03]
KC - Ultrazone 11/2003

KC [9/02 - Present]
Secretary [10/02 - 4/03]
Game master [3/03 - Present]
President [8/03 - Present]

KC is in charge of finding, creating, and bringing games to our meetings and outings. She helps to make sure that everyone has a good time at our meetings by providing something fun at the end of each.

Nicole and her 'St-ick' - Camporee 1999  Nicole (Gunny) [2/99 - 6/01]
Historian [2/99 - 6/01]

The picture is from Camporee 1999 at Roslyn Lake where Nicole had found her self a walking "Stuh-ick" and wanted to carve and smooth the top for her hand. The Leatherman she wore down in the picture belongs to Brian. "The Fallen Angel"

Marietta Marietta [9/02 - 12/04]
Vice President - Programs [9/03 - 5/04]
Former Girl Scout turned Venturer.

Marietta comes from a Scouting family and was previously involved with the Girl Scouts.

"Purple Monkey Feet patrol would be a GREAT name!"

Big Matt displaying a Dr. Pepper - Meriwether Matt Z. (Big Matt) [5/00 - 8/01]

Melissa - Leadership 1999 Melissa [4/99 - 8/01]

Miss Melissa went on some of our outings including our Leadership training back in '99. Where ever are you now Melissa?

Rolland (®aven) [12/98 - 6/02]
Winter sports director [6/00 - 3/02]

Latest news: Rolland completed training to be a 'Lineman' in Idaho in early 2003.

Sara - Phlox Point 2000 Sara [3/00 - 6/01]

Sara joined in order to be part of all the outdoor adventures we have and to be closer to a certain guy that was in her life at the time.

Yodults (4) Those members that were once Youth that became our Adult leaders.
oh and let me know if you think of a better term than 'Yodults' for combining youth and adult members.

Brian (Max) [12/98 - Present]

Advisor [4/04 - Present]
President [1/00 - 8/03]
Webmaster [12/98 - Present],
Treasurer [12/98 - 1/00, 8/00 - Present]

Brian was one of the first seven youth members registered with Estacada Crew 210 December 1998.
As webmaster Brian has developed the Crew and Troop websites.

"What don't I do?"

Charlotte - Nanitch 2004

Charlotte [6/01 - Present]

Co-Advisor - Programs [6/04 - Present]
Vice President - Programs [6/01 -9/03]
Associate Advisor of Programs

Now that Charlotte is 21 she can finally accept the role of an Associate Advisor! She'll help our Programs VP with tips, hints, suggestions, and in general help.

Matt Matt (Wolf) [12/98 - 12/03]
Committee Member [5/03 - 12/03]
Private Wolf here joined the ranks of the Army and was stationed in Kuwait for a month or so in March of 2003.
Word to the wise: Keep your tail low, and your ears up.
Latest news: Wolf came back home in May 2003 from the army.
Tara - Phlox Point 2000

Tara [2/99 - Present]
Committee Member [8/02 - Present]

Tara was a youth member until she went and had her 21st birthday, then she was one of our adults for a long while. She is now living back in Estacada and working on attending more crew events.

"A world without love is a world without humanity."

Adults (5) The LESS mature of the group. :)
These folks are members that joined after their 21st birthday.
Barbara - Camporee 2003 Barbara [12/98 - Present]
Co-Advisor Admin [12-98 - Present]

Barbara has been with the crew from the beginning. She has enjoyed the numerous outings over the years and created many memories. Hopefully she and Bill will continue to join the crew in some adventures.

Bill - Camporee 1999 Bill (Fuzzy) [12/98 - Present]
Advisor [12/98 - 4/04]
Chartered Organization Representative

Bill goes along on all of our adventures and always somehow manages to make it back. I guess we're not tough enough on him. :)
He even has a taste for laser tag now. He tends to be mischievious with caution tape, so watch your back ... and your car.

Bill G. Bill G. [4/99 - 6/01]
Bill is an experienced rafter and has led our group on several Rafting trips. He took Nicole and Matt (Wolf) on a raft trip on the John Day once earning their "50 Miles Afloat" Patch.
Dan, Dan, Dan, Where is your pic? Dan [12/98 - Present]
Associate Advisor [12/98 - Present]
You know that if we can have people like Dan in our group than ANYONE can join. :)
Kathy seems doomed to have "dreadful" pictures of her taken. We'll have to find the best 'horrible' pic we can. :Þ Kathy [12/98 - Present]
Committee Chairman [12/98 - Present]
Kathy was interested in taking over as Rank Advancement Chairman for the crew in hopes of the youth achieving the bronze award and beyond.
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