Venturing Leader's Training Award
To earn the Venturing Leader's Training Award complete the
following requirements:
- Complete a total of two years as a registered adult leader.
- Do seven of the following:
- Participate in a support role for five crew weekend
- Serve on the staff of a district, council, area, region, or
national venturing training event.
- Help with two FOS enrollments.
- Assist with a Venturing Leadership Skills course.
- Serve as a Bronze, Gold, Silver, or Ranger consultant.
- Participate in six Venturing roundtables or Venturing
Officers Association meetings.
- Help organize or reorganize a Venturing Crew.
- participate in 2 crew parents' nights.
- help support a crew money-earning project.
- Participate in a Crew First-nighter.
- Participate in a Crew Officers' seminar.
- It must be certified by a district training committee member
when you're done