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Ranger Advancement
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Pioneering Merit Badge
February - May, 2004
Our Crew was invited to staff the Pioneering Merit Badge weekend put on by John (T-174),
Jim (C-544), and Glenn (T-174). We accepted and participated in training sessions over several months to make sure we could teach the knots and lashes that'll be needed for the weekend.

Training held February 23, 2004
This was our introduction meeting for the PMB where we learned the crown knot and splicing.
In attendance:  Brian, KC, Grace, Marietta, Jean, Bill, & Barb.
Instructors: Jim W - C544, John H. -T174, Glen - T174.
Click the thumbnails for a larger view.

Training Dates: Feb. 23 | March 6 | April 3 |
The Weekend 4/29 - 5/1: Making Rope | Learning Knots | Building Structures | Adults Projects |
   All Weekend Pics at once* - Not for slower modems!

Report an Error to the Webmaster Last Updated: June 9, 2004 © Copyright 2003 Crew 210 - Estacada, OR. All rights reserved.