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Ranger Advancement
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Pioneering Merit Badge
February - May, 2004
Our Crew was invited to staff the Pioneering Merit Badge weekend put on by John (T-174),
Jim (C-544), and Glenn (T-174). We accepted and participated in training sessions over several months to make sure we could teach the knots and lashes that'll be needed for the weekend.

The Weekend held April 30 - May 2, 2004
This page shows the Scouts making rope and participating in some of the other  stations.
In attendance:  Charlotte, KC, Grace, Marietta, Jean, Greg, Devin, Brian
Click the thumbnails for a larger view.

Training Dates: Feb. 23 | March 6 | April 3 |
The Weekend 4/29 - 5/1: Making Rope | Learning Knots | Building Structures | Adults Projects |
   All Weekend Pics at once* - Not for slower modems!

Report an Error to the Webmaster Last Updated: June 9, 2004 © Copyright 2003 Crew 210 - Estacada, OR. All rights reserved.